如果之外 如果之外
如果/当 2023年4月5日


节目贡献者:西蒙•盖斯凯尔, 萨曼莎斯隆, Paul Thies

当涉及到废水管理, utility managers are discovering that deploying a data-driven approach to their operations is helping them to realize cost and resource efficiencies and to avoid emerging problems like never before. 这让事情保持顺畅, 哪种才是顾客最喜欢的音乐, plant operators and people concerned about offsetting potentially damaging environmental incidents.

在这一期的如果/当节目中我们的嘉宾是亚洲体育博彩平台高级副主任 西蒙•盖斯凯尔 联合公用事业公司网络业务经理 萨曼莎斯隆.




亚洲体育博彩平台 Senior Associate Director - Strategic 咨询 西蒙•盖斯凯尔 is a passionate change manager and has spent much of his career enabling operational transformation across multiple industries. He has a passion for implementing new ways of working that are enabled through client adoption of new technologies and digital solutions. Simon目前是亚洲体育博彩平台' s的交付主管。 Aqua DNA 平台解决方案. 坐在十字路口的客户需求更加成熟, digital-based management of their water networks; emerging IoT technologies; and 亚洲体育博彩平台 domain expertise, Simon has been able to build a strong understanding of digitally enabled transformation within water client businesses. Simon began his career as a leader in the British Army with the majority of his time spent within the U.K.执行远征工程任务的美国突击队. 自从加入亚洲体育博彩平台, 西蒙在精益和敏捷的工作方式中从事咨询工作, 设计导向思维, 创新与数字化转型. 


萨曼莎·斯隆是联合公用事业公司的网络业务经理, a water and wastewater services provider to around seven million people in the North West of England supplying 3 million households and 200,000个营业场所. Samantha自2015年起在United Utilities担任多个职位. 她在曼彻斯特大学获得数学学士学位, 获得斯旺西大学航空航天工程硕士学位. 

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关于Aqua DNA

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水的DNA是一种智能 数字OneWater solution that collects live data and improves wastewater network performance using smart sensors and AI-powered predictive analytics to reduce risk and make a positive societal and environmental impact. 

Aqua DNA seamlessly captures thousands of data points every second and analyzes them in real-time. 一致的, timely data enables Aqua DNA to recognize operational patterns and asset performance in the network, 比以往任何时候都更早地识别导致事故的条件.

通过将这项创新技术引入污水处理网络, 公用事业供应商可以了解他们的系统如何实时执行, 提醒操作人员注意新发生的事故,避免破坏性的泄漏, 洪水, 堵塞和排放, 哪些对他们的顾客和我们的环境有害.

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