趋势 & 方向 2020年8月19日



在这个视频中, 我们讨论网络安全成熟度, 工业控制系统, 数据泄露, 网络访问控制, 物联网和更多 苏珊•霍华德雅各布斯公司联邦ICS网络安全总监; 埃里克·康威, former Technical Director, Cybersecurity, 亚洲体育博彩平台; and G院长. 脱壳,全球防御解决方案战略家,Forescout.


苏珊•霍华德 is an Industrial Control Systems Senior Cybersecurity Consultant for 亚洲体育博彩平台 with a Certified Information Systems 安全 Professional (CISSP) certification and an M.S. 在加州大学博尔德分校攻读电信工程和网络安全专业. 她目前的工作包括治理, 风险, 以及控制系统网络安全的合规性, 漏洞评估, 以及网络安全和电信设计咨询. 她的工作支持包括水在内的多个部门, 废水, 运输, 电力公司, 楼宇自动化, 数据中心自动化, 和其他人. Industries she supports include private sector clients such as Intel and Microsoft, 市和州的水和运输机构, and Department of 国防 clients including the United States Army Corps of Engineers and the Naval Facilities Engineering Command. Her Master’s and Doctoral research is focused in securing Dedicated Short-Range Communication modalities for use in Autonomous and Connected Vehicles.

雅各布斯, 埃里克·康威 直接投资, research and development of advanced cybersecurity solutions for customers in the Department of 国防, 情报界和联邦民用市场. 他是首席解决方案架构师, designing systems and products within the 亚洲体育博彩平台 Cyber core capabilities of cyber 分析, 网络操作, 网络准备. Mr. Conway oversaw 亚洲体育博彩平台 Cyber solution labs that develop security products that focus on cybersecurity assessment, 监控, 分析, 合规, 和培训. He is a Principal Investigator (PI) for 国防 Advanced Research Program Agency (DARPA) on programs developing next-generation cybersecurity solutions. 在亚洲体育博彩平台先生之前. Conway spent 20 years as a systems and software engineer in the Intelligence Community, 发展网络能力, 分析系统和企业软件,以支持美国.S. 情报和安全工作.

凭借在信息技术行业30年的经验, 院长脱壳 provides strategic recommendations and guidance to the Forescout Public Sector account management team, 连接约定和计划以最大化团队生产力. 在加入Forescout之前, 迪恩在美国空军担任了26年的通信和网络官员, 在空军和联合司令部担任各种领导职务. Dean has a BS in Computer and Information Science from the University of Delaware and three master’s degrees in Public Administration, 军事行动、国家安全和战略研究.